Judy Sings Communities 1st’s Praises!

Judy is a regular user of Communities 1st transport, Handyperson, and shopping delivery services. After being born in Canada and living in the USA, Judy has now lived in Borehamwood for over twenty years. She has serious health needs and believes that Communities 1st has provided her with a lifeline and enhanced the quality of her life.

Now in her mid-fifties, Judy worked in catering in a care home until she stopped in 2012 when her arthritis became too painful and incapacitating. Over the years she has struggled with a number of health problems including an under active thyroid, cancer, and osteoporosis. She experiences anxiety, tinnitus, and is vulnerable to infections. Her partner, who lives with her, is her main carer. However, she sadly also has health problems. Both have used Community 1st services.

Judy has used Communities 1st transport services for medical appointments on many occasions. In the past she has used hospital transport, but she found this very stressful and couldn’t take her career with her. Judy’s experience of Communities 1st transport services has been very positive. The drivers will “go the extra mile”, for example by folding up her wheelchair and putting it in the boot. Judy says, “You can’t imagine the physical and mental relief you feel when the transport goes smoothly.”

During the pandemic Judy also used the Communities 1st shopping service. “It was good quality shopping,” Judy commented, “and the volunteers would always try to find food with a long sell by date.”

Judy would like to be able to do practical jobs, but her health won’t allow that. She used the Communities 1st handyperson service to clear her gutter and fit a screen door that she is delighted with.

“You guys have done so much for me” declares Judy with her warm American accent. “Communities 1st is outstanding! I can’t scale it because you are so good.”  She added that “staff and volunteers are friendly and kind. They will listen, they ask how you are, and they will try to help. They have time for you.”  She concludes that “Communities 1st put a smile on your face and make you feel good!”   


Written by Chris Cloke