'What We Stand For' Policy Statements

At Communities 1st, we are committed to amplifying the collective voice of our members and shaping policies that reflect our shared values and vision. By uniting our voices, we can influence local strategies and ensure the needs and voices of our communities are prioritised.

We therefore undertook an initiative to publish “What we stand for” policy statements covering eight critical areas which reflect the real experiences and knowledge of those working within our communities.

These policy statements reflect our shared aspirations and address the challenges our communities face. They have been enriched by the diverse contributions of our member organisations with whom we extensively engaged via our Stronger Together Networks, Policy Focus Groups, and direct feedback, making them both representative and impactful.

"What We Stand For" Policy Statements

1. Overcoming Cost-of-Living Challenges and Unlocking Social Mobility
2. Bridging the Digital Divide and Eradicating the Poverty Premium
3. Health and Wellbeing
4. Equity, Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion (EEDI)
5. Learning, Skills and Employability
6. Environment and Climate Change
7.  The ‘State’ and Voluntary Sector Collaboration
8.  Empowering Communities Through Volunteering


We have shared these statements with local policymakers and influencers so they can reflect on the impact they can have on the communities we serve and to ensure that the voluntary sector gets the support it needs to make a real difference.

Contact Us

If you have any questions about the 'What We Stand For' policy statements, please email memberservices@communities1st.org.uk or call 01727 649940.