Better Days Hubs

Your Local Connection to Communities 1st

Our Services

At Better Days Hubs we display what Communities 1st and other local charities and community groups have to offer, we offer programs for everyone, whether you're joining a day trip, attending workshops, focusing on wellbeing, or volunteering. We also provide services like housing advice, benefits assistance, and more.

Our locations welcome all. Contact us by email, calling us, or in person!

Welcome to our Better Days Hubs!

We’re here to create a welcoming space for everyone to connect, learn, and grow. Whether you’re joining a program, volunteering, or just stopping by for a chat, we’re happy to have you. We look forward to hopefully seeing you soon!

Our Locations


Bushey Library

Bushey Library, Sparrows Herne, Bushey, WD23 1FA

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: Every Thursday, 10am - 2pm

Goffs Oak Library

Goffs Oak Library.

Goffs Oak Library, Waltham Cross, EN7 5ET

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: First Thursday of every month, 1pm - 3pm


The Hive in Hatfield.

The Hive @ The Jim McDonald Centre, McDonald Court, High View, AL10 8HR

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: Second Tuesday of every month, 10am - 2pm

London Colney

Caledon Community Centre

Caledon Community Centre, 29 Caledon Road, AL2 1PS

Google Maps Link | Apple Map Link

Operating Hours: Third Tuesday of every month, 11am - 1pm

Potters Bar

Wyllyotts Theatre.

Wyllyotts Theatre Cafe, Wyllyotts Centre, Darkes Lane, EN6 2AA

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours:

  • Every second, fourth and fifth Monday of every month, 10am - 2pm
  • Every Tuesday of every month, 10am - 2pm


Radlett Centre.

Radlett Centre, Aldenham Avenue, WD7 8HL

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: First Tuesday of every month, 10am - 12pm


Redbourn Village Hall.

Redbourn Village Hall, 63 High Street, AL3 7LW

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: on the fourth Thursday of the month, from 9:30-11:30am.

St Albans

Cottonmill Community Centre.

Cottonmill Cycling and Community Centre, Cottonmill Lane, AL1 2EF

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: Second Tuesday of every month, 10am - 12noon


St Albans Library, The Maltings, AL1 3JQ

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: First and Fourth Wednesday of every month, 10am - 12noon


Marshalswick Library, The Ridgeway, AL4 9TU

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: Second and Fourth Monday of every month, 10am - 12noon


Wheathampstead Memorial Hall

Memorial Hall, 37 Marford Road, Wheathampstead AL4 8AY

Google Maps Link | Apple Maps Link

Operating Hours: First Thursday of every month, 10am - 12noon.

Contact Us

If you would like speak to us, please call us on 01727 649960 or email

Our telephone lines are open on Mondays - Fridays, 09:30 - 16:00.