Is your organisation looking for volunteers?
Communities 1st friendly Volunteer Centre team are the people to talk to. We can help you select, recruit and retain volunteers.
Member Organisations can share their vacancies with us; our volunteer brokers will work to match you with suitable applicants, as well as listing the opportunity on our website.
To advertise your volunteering opportunity please email
How will my opportunities be promoted?
To advertise an opportunity with us, we ask all organisations to become members.
Once the opportunity is registered on our system, we will then give potential volunteers your contact details. One of our volunteer interviewers will arrange an appointment for the potential volunteers to meet with you.
Opportunities will be promoted via our website and social media sites including twitter and facebook and on our information boards at a variety of Communities 1st locations.
You can submit a volunteering opportunity online by logging in to the members section and completing the opportunity registration form Click Here.
Good Practice Support, Guides and Policies
We offer training, advice and information on best practice when working with, recruiting and retaining volunteers. We can provide a range of Good Practice Guides and Volunteering Policies, for use by anyone who has, or is considering including, volunteers in their workforce. These may be used either as a template for your own policies, or as a point of reference whenever they are needed.