Why choose Para Dance UK?
Within Para Dance UK at Communities 1st, inclusivity is our core value. We celebrate diversity and believe that everyone, regardless of experience, has a place with us.
Join us in sharing the joy of movement, where you can inspire others and make a meaningful impact in their lives. Stepping onto our dance floor connects you to a community where friendships flourish and barriers fade, all while enhancing your skills through personalized instruction.
We prioritise your journey by offering guidance in various dance styles and ensuring your safety with public liability insurance. We’re also proud to provide funded spaces for applicants in Hertfordshire, making it even easier to become part of our supportive community of dancers and instructors.

What we can offer you
As an aspiring instructor, Para Dance UK at Communities 1st can offer you:
Inclusive Dance Training (IDT): This course teaches you how to lead dance sessions that are welcoming for everyone, regardless of their background or ability. It's perfect for dance teachers, sports enthusiasts, and care professionals.
Membership: Join a supportive community where you’ll access valuable resources, stay updated on industry news, and find personal development opportunities. Connect and grow with like-minded individuals!
Inclusive Dance Training (IDT)
What Is IDT?
IDT isn't just a course; it's an invitation to transform lives through dance. Whether you're a seasoned dancer, a compassionate teacher or someone eager to make a difference, IDT welcomes you. Here's what you need to know:
Who can join?
- Anyone curious about inclusive dance.
- Advocates for dance accessibility.
- Aspiring and existing instructors ready to lead inclusive sessions.
Some examples of individuals who can become instructors:
- Dancers/Dance Teachers: Open your services to all abilities.
- Teachers: If you’re passionate about dance too, you get to engage in a newer way.
- Sports Enthusiasts: Discover the magic of inclusive movement.
- Care Professionals: Enhance your practice with dance.
- Others: If you believe that you possess the some of the above qualities, let’s talk! We want to explore how we can support you.
Language Accommodations: If English isn't your first language, let's chat. We're here to support you.
What you'll need?
- A computer or tablet with internet access.
- A recording device (phone, camera).
- A small space for limited dance movements.
What will you learn about?
- Disabilities and Impairments: Understand diverse needs.
- Physiology and Mobility Aids: Basics for effective teaching.
- Instruction Techniques: From warm-ups to cool-downs.
- Choreography: Create magic without genre constraints.
- Group Setup and Management: Be the dance catalyst.
How much does it cost and when can I start?
The course is £650 per person, but there are fully-funded spaces and bursaries available. To discuss the cost of the course and any other enquiries, please email paradance@communities1st.org.uk
IDT courses run throughout the year, starting in March and September, with breaks for school holidays
To register your interest in this course, please click here.
How do we teach?
- Live Group Sessions: Connect with trainers and fellow students.
- E-Learning Platform: Dive into theory and practice.
- Weekly Sessions: An hour of inspiration, discussion and growth.
How will I be assessed?
- Regular Assignments: Formative feedback along the way.
- Final Assessments: Written submissions and self-recorded videos.
- Retakes: We've got your back.
Rewards for your efforts
- Certificate of Achievement: Your badge of honour.
- 6 Months of Affiliate Membership: Dive deeper into the Para Dance UK community.
- Legal & Liability Cover: Dance with confidence.
- Industry News: Stay informed.
- Personal Development Opportunities: Elevate your skills.
- Business Support: Because you're not alone.
- Discounted Services: Perks for our dance family.
Benefits of Instructor Affliate Membership
We are currently reviewing the benefits provided, including business support, online development courses, discounts and assistance. Stay tuned for updates, as we’ll share any changes as soon as they're confirmed.

Case Studies
See below an example of those who enjoy our services. Check out our extended list of case studies from here!
"Try it but don't take it seriously. Use it for the fun that it is!"

Jackie, 58 years old, is a part-time wheelchair user who signed up for our inclusive dance videos during lockdown. In the 80’s Jackie was awarded a bronze, silver and gold medal through entering dance competitions and enjoyed attending regular dance classes with her daughter.
After suffering a spinal stroke in 2012 which led her to have limited mobility, Jackie stopped dancing as she thought that this was now beyond her. Instead she continued to enjoy the power of dance through watching her daughter.
During the pandemic Jackie found that she was using her wheelchair more often and struggled keeping active in lockdown, mainly staying in one room in the day while her husband worked in another. She came across Para Dance UK’s inclusive dance videos through a spinal injury group on Facebook that had shared the opportunity and thought she would sign up and give it a go. She was not disappointed.
Jackie found the sessions fun and they made her feel good. They were inclusive to her disability and it was nice to be able to do something that was just for her. Taking part in the videos helped her increase her activity during lockdown and re-connect with her love for dance again.
Her advice to anyone thinking about trying dance for the first time is:
“Try it but don’t take it seriously. Use it for the fun that it is!”
"My favourite thing about being a dance instructor?"
Not only does Para Dance UK progress dancers across the UK through both regional and national competitions, as well as developing highly competitive athletes at an international level, the charity also aims to develop and promote dance as an inclusive leisure activity across the country
To do this, Para Dance needs instructors who not only have the dance skills across many different disciplines, from Latin and ballroom to jazz and tap, but who also have a passion for dance that can be passed on to those in attending classes.
Lisa Nixon is a perfect example of such an instructor. Lisa has been an instructor for Para Dance since 2016. Before that, she trained at the Bush Davies School of Theatre Arts and Education and the London Studio Centre – prestigious places to hone a craft that had been part of Lisa’s life for years.
“I started dancing aged four with ballet, tap and gymnastics,” Lisa explains, “I fractured my spine when a space hopper shot out from under me around 7 years of age, and I was lying flat for a full six months.
“After that, I went back to dancing, but took up Latin and ballroom which both include more lateral movements in place of jumping up and down.
“Dancing became a kind of therapy. Even now, no matter what kind of day I am having, when I come out of class I always feel much better.”
Lisa doesn’t hesitate when asked why she thought Para Dance was the ideal organisation to instruct with: “My mother had Parkinson's,” she says, “and, as I lived five hours away from her, I thought that if I trained in my local area it may lead to my good karma going out into the world and someone from her area deciding to train and being able to help my mum.”
That initial reason for getting involved with Para Dance has since led to many more reasons to stay a part of the organisation, and of spreading the joy that Lisa has found in dancing.
“My favourite thing about being a dance instructor?” Lisa muses, “I love it when people realise how much progress they are making. Especially when it is over a short space of time, or when they are suddenly able to do something that has been eluding them.
“I think that there is something particularly special about Para Dance sessions, too,” she adds; “As with all dance sessions, you are transported into a place where all your worries fall away: a brief respite from whatever you are dealing with.
“With Para Dance sessions I feel, more than ever, that you are also transported to a place of equality. Your movement might not be identical to that of the person next to you, but then, neither is your nose!
“We are all unique. Being somewhere that you are able to express yourself and let yourself be immersed in the music fully is priceless. To know that your contribution of movement is valued and accepted as equal to that of anyone else, especially if that is a more creative version, is to be welcomed and cherished.
“Para Dance classes are also the place to realise that everyone has their own struggles. As a participant, sometimes you can see and adopt strategies that others have discovered before you. Sometimes you can even find that, actually, there is someone who looks to you as a model of motivation and determination in order to help them along their own journey.”
And if she had to pick one reason to recommend dancing to everyone? When put on the spot, Lisa smiles; “For me, it is being able to become healthier, happier, and friendlier without realising that you are actually working pretty hard to achieve it.”
Contact Us
Want to contact us directly, learn more and discuss your queries further as soon as possible?
Please email us on paradance@communities1st.org.uk or call us at 01727 649980.
Our telephone lines are open on Mondays - Fridays, 09:00 - 17:00.