Recruiting, Retaining and Managing Volunteers

The Valuing Volunteer Management 6 Point Promise is an initiative which aims to raise awareness of the need for good practice in volunteer management.  It is a Hertfordshire wide scheme.  Volunteer involving organisations are encouraged to self-assess their current policies, practices and procedures with an easy to use online checklist. 

The checklist consists of a series of simple statements about basic volunteer management.  Organisations can decide whether they fully meet the criteria, meet them partly, or not at all.  Where gaps are identified, Communities 1st Volunteer Centre is able to help with 1:1 guidance, template documents and training sessions.

Once all the criteria of the 6 Point Promise have been met, the organisation will be issued with a certificate and listed on the Volunteer Herts website.

 Register for Volunteer Management Training - 25th September 2024

The benefits of signing up to the 6 Point Promise are:

  • To be recognised by potential funders as taking volunteer management seriously
  • To be eligible for nomination for the countywide Valuing Volunteer Management Award
  • To be recognised by volunteers as a good organisation with which to work
  • To be more likely to recruit and retain volunteers
  • To have a higher profile via promotion on Volunteer Herts website
  • To have access to further support from your local Volunteer Centre


The 6 areas of Volunteer Management

The 6 areas of volunteer management covered by The Valuing Volunteer Management 6 point promise 


Planning for Volunteer involvement

A volunteer policy covers all aspects of the relationship with volunteers. Role descriptions are produced and volunteering is open to everyone

Recruitment Process

Potential volunteers are contacted quickly and recruitment processes are fair, efficient and consistent.


New volunteers receive through preparation for their tasks and have a named person for ongoing support.

Support and Safety

Volunteers are covered by insurance and are included in health and safety policies. Out of pocket expenses are met wherever possible.

Training and Personal Development

Volunteers motivations are met with appropriate tasks and those with extra support needs are enabled to volunteer wherever possible.

Involving, rewarding and recognising volunteers

Volunteers contribute to decision making and are fully involved in the organisations activities. Volunteers receive appropriate recognition for their efforts and you say... THANK YOU!

We help organisations develop volunteering opportunities and offer practical advice on all aspects of working with volunteers.

We provide support and advice for:

  • Volunteer involving organisations
  • Small voluntary groups 
  • Charities 
  • Not-for profit and Statutory Agencies 

For further information please contact us by emailing

Or call us at 01727 649900