Communities 1st currently has some positions that need filling. You can find these along with information on them below. If you are interested in any of these roles, feel free to send us your application. Click here to download our application form.
Learn more about how we support, value, and empower our employees - The Benefits of Working for Communities 1st
Disability Confident Employer
As part of our commitment as a Disability Confident employer, we offer a guaranteed interview to anyone with a disability whose application meets the minimum criteria for the post. If you wish for your application to be considered under the Disability Confident scheme, please submit a completed form with your application.
Please also submit your disability confident / reasonable adjustments form (if required.)

Mindful Employer
As an employer we recognise that in the UK, people experiencing mental ill health continue to report stigma and discrimination at work. Having signed the 'Charter for Employers Positive and Mental Health', we are committed to creating a supportive and open culture, where colleagues feel able to talk about mental health confidently, and aspire to appropriately support the mental wellbeing of all staff.
As an employer, we have made an on-going commitment to:
- Provide non-judgmental and proactive support to staff experiencing mental ill health.
- Not make assumptions about a person with a mental health condition and their ability to work.
- Be positive and enabling towards all employees and job applicants with a mental health condition.
- Support line managers in managing mental health in the workplace.
- Ensure we are fair in the recruitment of new staff in accordance with the Equality Act (2010).
- Make it clear that people who have experienced mental ill health will not be discriminated against, and that disclosure of a mental health problem will enable both the employee to assess and provide the right level of support or adjustment.

Armed Forces Covenant
Communities 1st recognises the value servicing personnel, reservists, veterans and military families bring to our business. We will seek to uphold the principles of the Armed Forces Covenant, by:
- Promoting the fact that we are an armed forces-friendly organisation.
- Seeking to support the employment of veterans young and old and working with the Career Transition Partnership (CTP), in order to establish a tailored employment pathway for Service Leavers.
- Striving to support the employment of Service spouses and partners.
- Endeavouring to offer a degree of flexibility in granting leave for Service spouses and partners before, during and after a partner's deployment.
- Seeking to support our employees who choose to be members of the Reserve forces, including by accommodating their training and deployment where possible.
- Offering support to our local cadet units, either in our local community or in local schools, where possible.
- To actively promote Armed Forces Day.

Living Wage Employer
Our Living Wage commitment ensures everyone working at Communities 1st receives a minimum hourly wage which is significantly higher than the government minimum.
The real Living Wage is the only rate calculated according to the costs of living. It provides a voluntary benchmark for employers that wish to ensure their staff earn a wage they can live on, not just the government minimum.

Contact Us
If you have any questions regarding a vacancy or an application, please email or call us on 01727 649900.
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